Camp Trans Performers -- Now for Three Nights!!!

Camp Trans will be having three nights of performers.


  • Imogen Binnie
  • MC Redorix
  • Nervous But Excited 


  • Gage
  • Kristen Bell-Murray
  • Vanessa Marie Spitzer
  • Athens Boys Choir


  • Miss Maudlin the Geek
  • Tough Tough Skin
  • the Degenerettes

Tentative Schedule  -- Final Schedule to be posted at Camp Trans

Sunday 8/5 


Advocate Training

Monday 8/6

walk the line at MWMF

intro to camp & social

Tuesday 8/8

DIY Caucuses

Health and Saftey Training 

Wednesday 8/9

Femme Caucus

Queer Gamers Caucus

Flirting Workshop

Open Mic/Karaoke 

Thursday 8/10

Know Your Rights Workshop

Advocate Training

Trans Women and Doin' It

Futures Meeting: How To Run for Office


Friday 8/11

CT Patchmaking

Fatty Caucus 

Announce Candidates, meet & greet & vote for future organizers


Saturday 8/12

Relationships Workshop 

Anti-Racism Workshop

Radical Masculinities Workshop

Rally & announcement of next year's organizers
